Re: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)

Subject: Re: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)
From: Mike Pope <mikep -at- ASYMETRIX -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 15:09:00 PDT

Well, if anyone were to ask me (right, I realize no one did <g>), I'd
propose informal guidelines something like these:

* the primary purpose is to exchange info about technical writing, so
that's what
we should concentrate on.

* the occasional humorous piece is ok by me, but I'd prefer it if it
were sort of writer-oriented. I don't
know about anyone else, but we already have a couple of
self-appointed distributors of
Internet humor, so there's no shortage of Tonya Harding and Barney
jokes here. But that thing
about writing fiction -- truer than it sounded, ha-ha -- wasn't the
sort of thing one would likely
see elsewhere.

* Chain letters are right out.

Dunno, just what seems reasonable right this second.

-- Mike Pope
mikep -at- asymetrix

>To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
>Subject: Re: :) Happy forwarding!!! (fwd)
>Date: Thursday, April 07, 1994 10:16AM

>Hi folks:

>I am new to this list, but feel it's time to jump in and
>add more fuel to the fire on this issue of humor.

>I realize that this list should be used to discuss professional
>issues, but sometimes a little humor is welcome to break up
>the day. Isn't it true that experts say we just don't laugh enough,
>and that laughter reduces stress?

>Since I am new, I don't know if we have rules or conventions
>but maybe we need some. I would agree that chain letters are
>not appropriate, and humor should be PG-13 rated.

>But above all, I feel that we should at least be civil to each
>other if we disagree.

>Caryn Rizell
>Tech writing contractor
>Hewlett Packard
>caryn -at- hpptc44 -dot- rose -dot- hp -dot- com


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