Re: American Heritage Dict. question

Subject: Re: American Heritage Dict. question
From: Mike Pope <mikep -at- ASYMETRIX -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 19:43:00 PDT

I have AHD-3 here at work. I've been a Webster's bigot for a very long time,
but I have to say that this dictionary has met all my needs. Some specific
points I like:

* Usage questions. If a usage is informal or questionable, it is noted,
occasionally there's a little extra explanation. For example, there's
an extra
paragraph on the hows and whys of using "loan" as a verb. I've agreed
with the dictionary
enough on these points that if I'm tempted to use a term that it
flags as "informal", I'll
at least think twice. <g>

* Completeness. Not too much general vocab here I haven't found, though
we also keep
the MS Press computer dictionary very close to hand.

* Graphics. Pictures are plentiful and well-selected.

* Organization. As an example of a practical solution to our recent
"separate indexes?"
debate, the main text incorporates biographical and geographical
entries. The appendix
has a fascinating and virtually completely impractical dictionary of

* Layout. Text and layout are clear.

I personally also like the extra linguistic information sprinkled here and
there. For example,
they'll have etymological tidbits every few pages.

How large is it? I don't know how many entries, but as a cheap-and-cheerful
measure, it's
about 2,080 8x11 pages.

Even though this is a very subjective analysis (and short, too), I hope it

-- Mike Pope
mikep -at- asymetrix -dot- com

>To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
>Subject: American Heritage Dict. question
>Date: Friday, April 08, 1994 3:36PM

>Does anybody have a copy of _The American Heritage Dictionary of the
>English Language, Third Edition_?

>I have a copy of the College version at work and would like to know if I
>can justify the expense of getting the bigger version.

>o What are the major differences between the versions, and do the
> differences substantiate the difference in price?

>o How large is the main version?

>Any kind of information you have on the main version will be appreciated.
>Email me privately if you don't want to clutter the list.

>And, please, don't try to lead me away from AHD. It's our standard. (Even
>though I've heard from this list that Webster's 2nd, I believe, is very

>Write on,

>David Lowe Technical Writer
>internet - 29215 -at- ef -dot- gc -dot- maricopa -dot- edu Transamerica Real Estate Tax
> Phoenix, AZ

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