Re: online help usability

Subject: Re: online help usability
From: Mike Pope <mikep -at- ASYMETRIX -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 14:39:00 PDT

That's a good point: the current technology of online help is perhaps a bit
broader than that implied by a more old-fashioned sense of the word.
However, it seems to me that that in the world of Windows (at least), "help"
is a pretty standard term. The position (and most of the choices) of the
Help menu are fairly set, allowing for variants and improvements that each
group of help authors thinks of. It would be cruel and unusual to pull a
fast one <g> and give it a new name now that people seem to be getting used
to it.

What sorts of names were you-all thinking of?


-- Mike Pope
mikep -at- asymetrix -dot- com

>To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
>Subject: online help usability
>Date: Thursday, April 07, 1994 1:59PM

>To fellow online help developers:

>My coworkers and I have been wondering if the word 'help' is
>still a appropriate name to use for online information. We
>are finding that some customers never even go to the Help menu
>item at all!

>Our online help consists of a graphical guided tour and concepts section,
>along with help on windows, a glossary, task directory, etc. It
>is really the manual online, but in a different format (not just
>an online dump of the manual).

>Has anyone ever thought about using another word besides 'help'
>to describe that section of the online product? It seems that
>these days it is so much more than just help.

>We are wondering if changing the name might remove some of
>the stigma of needing 'help' and let people feel more comfortable
>just browsing around to become familiar with a product.

>Any ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated.

>Caryn Rizell
>Tech Writing Contractor
>Hewlett Packard, Roseville
>caryn -at- hpptc44 -dot- rose -dot- hp -dot- com

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