online help usability

Subject: online help usability
From: Caryn Rizell <caryn -at- HPPTC44 -dot- ROSE -dot- HP -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 13:59:52 PDT

To fellow online help developers:

My coworkers and I have been wondering if the word 'help' is
still a appropriate name to use for online information. We
are finding that some customers never even go to the Help menu
item at all!

Our online help consists of a graphical guided tour and concepts section,
along with help on windows, a glossary, task directory, etc. It
is really the manual online, but in a different format (not just
an online dump of the manual).

Has anyone ever thought about using another word besides 'help'
to describe that section of the online product? It seems that
these days it is so much more than just help.

We are wondering if changing the name might remove some of
the stigma of needing 'help' and let people feel more comfortable
just browsing around to become familiar with a product.

Any ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Caryn Rizell
Tech Writing Contractor
Hewlett Packard, Roseville
caryn -at- hpptc44 -dot- rose -dot- hp -dot- com

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