What about BA/BSc-level tech comm. programs?

Subject: What about BA/BSc-level tech comm. programs?
From: Patrick O'Connell <OCONNELL -at- DEV -dot- EICON -dot- QC -dot- CA>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 17:21:00 PST

All I have seen discussed so far are MA and PhD-level programs. Being a
Canadian who has attended university but never achieved sheepskin-hood, I am
particularly interested in *Canadian* instutions. Other things I would like
to hear about:

- IYHO or in your personal experience, how serious a limitation is it to be
sans degree,
even if you're extremely capable, highly technically knowledgeable, and
pour all your
creative energy into your job?

- Are there people out there who've made it big without the sheepskin? And
is it
expected that the recession/depression/whatever, one obvious effect of
which could
be (fewer people able to afford college = fewer w/sheepskins), will make
it easier
for the talented but sheepskin-less? Or is the inverse in effect -- more
people doing
the post-secondary thing for maximum competitive advantage? There is
evidence of
the latter trend generally, but what about the tech comm field

Because my mailbox overfloweth daily with techwr-l postings I would normally
ask that you mail your replies directly to me. Given the interesting nature
of this discussion, though, I think ya oughta post 'em instead.

Patrick O'Connell
Technical Writer, Eicon Technology Corporation
2196 32nd Ave. Lachine, Quebec, Canada, H8T 3H7
Internet: patricko -at- eicon -dot- qc -dot- ca
Tel: (B) 514-631-9825 x250 (H) 514-482-9279
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