arts and humanities in info superhighway

Subject: arts and humanities in info superhighway
From: LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- HALNET -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 12:17:25 -0600

The info below pertains to a petition to get arts and humanities
included in the information superhighway proposed in the US.
Contact Michael Joyce for more information.

----- Begin message from jporter%MACE -dot- CC -dot- PURDUE -dot- EDU -at- internet 23-Nov-93

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Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 19:03:20 EST
Reply-To: "Rhetoric, Language, Prof Writing" <PURTOPOI%PURCCVM -dot- BITNET -at- internet>
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From: Jim Porter <jporter%MACE -dot- CC -dot- PURDUE -dot- EDU -at- internet>
Subject: Re: petition
To: Multiple recipients of list PURTOPOI <PURTOPOI%PURCCVM -dot- BITNET -at- internet>

Forwarded message:
>From MIJOYCE -at- vaxsar -dot- vassar -dot- edu Tue Nov 23 16:49:46 1993
>Date: 23 Nov 1993 16:19:22 -0400 (EDT)
>From: MIJOYCE -at- vaxsar -dot- vassar -dot- edu
>Subject: Re: petition
>To: jporter -at- mace -dot- cc -dot- purdue -dot- edu

>Thanks for your response to the NAWOC posting. The crisis
>statement follows below. Please let me know by return email
>whether you choose to affiliate yourself with the statement
>which will be presented to the Task Force on a National
>Initiative for Humanities and Arts Computing under the
>umbrella of NAWOC (Network Artists, Writers, and Others
>Concerned) a temporary, ad-hoc group. .

>If you choose to affiliate yourself with the statement, it is
>important to know whether you are an individual artist or a
>representative of a group (and if the latter, how many people
>are in your group). In addition, if you offer your virtual
>signature as a group representative, please add a short note
>which describes the basis of this representation. That is,
>state whether you represent your group by virtue of your
>office, editorship, etc., or whether the group has taken
>specific action to affirm this signature. International
>participation is welcome and encouraged.

>Finally a number of you have raised the issue of how to
>assure the authenticity of virtual signatures. Obviously the
>authenticity of so-called "real" signatures is often a
>problem in similar efforts, but as is so often the case in
>electronic texts, the social construction (here our belief in
>the authenticity of statement-signature-letterhead) becomes
>especially apparent in network efforts. I am choosing the
>simplest verification scheme: shared information and trust.
>The final list of signatures will be circulated to all who
>sign before it is submitted to the Task Force. If you have
>reason to challenge a signature or to withdraw your own,
>please do so then.

>Thanks again.

>Michael Joyce
>MIJoyce -at- vassar -dot- edu

>AOL: michaelj21
>AppleLink: D1924


>The absence of the humanities and arts in the development of
>a national information infrastructure ignores the value of
>the American people's cultural heritage, and the network as a
>medium of creativity and learning, in the crucial formation
>of technology policy.

>The members of the Task Force on a National Initiative for
>Humanities and Arts Computing endorse the principle that
>humanities and arts voices are critical--indeed equal to the
>recognized interests of the sciences--in the balanced
>development of the nation's technological infrastructure.

>Reinstating the humanities and arts in the dialog shaping
>this public policy is of utmost urgency. We call for the
>reintroduction of the humanities and arts in the formation of
>such policy.

>Goals agreed upon by the Task Force to be facilitated by a
>steering committee:

>1. Define a rubric that articulates the value of humanities
>and arts computing for a democratic society.

>2. Build a profile of humanities and arts computing using
>data that identifies the breadth and vitality, as well as the
>needs, of technology in these fields.

>3. Form alliances with identified stakeholders in order to
>more programmatically engage in national policy development
>and planning.

>by the ad-hoc steering committee:

>Charles Henry Susan Siegfried
>Coalition for Networked Information Research Projects Manager
>Director of the Libraries The Getty Art History
>Vassar College Information Program

>Stanley Katz Marilyn Schmitt
>President Program Manager
>American Council of The Getty Art History
> Learned Societies Information Program

Jim Porter
Purdue University
jporter -at- mace -dot- cc -dot- purdue -dot- edu

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