Re: Other list

Subject: Re: Other list
From: Elwin McKellar <mckellar -at- MTU -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 13:42:54 EST

November 19, 1993
Alexandra Bernstein asks:

> do any of you have an address for a WRITERS list? The one I have
> nsduvm1 or ndsuvm1 bounced back. Also, do you know what they
> discuss?

Although I am currently set "nomail" on the list, I recommend CREWRT-L if
you are interested in creative writing (poetry and short stories) and/or
teaching creative writing. I am "nomail" now because of work pressures and
medical problems, but I can say you they are a wonderful group for sharing
ideas, poems, stories, etc.

To subscribe send this message:

subscribe crewrt-l [Your First Name] [Your Last Name]


subscribe crewrt-l Mick McKellar

Send it to either:

LISTSERV -at- MIZZOU1 -dot- missouri -dot- edu



No subject line should be given and no other text.

If you join, tell them Mick sent you and I'll be back soon.


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Michigan Technological University - Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295
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Mick McKellar - Information Systems Spec. - Computing Technology Services

e-mail address: mckellar -at- mtu -dot- edu phone: (906) 487-2112, 2110

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