Re: Technical vs. writing knowledge

Subject: Re: Technical vs. writing knowledge
From: Robert McMillan <rrmcmil -at- CCU -dot- UMANITOBA -dot- CA>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 23:39:03 GMT

In <199311111946 -dot- AA04135 -at- char -dot- vnet -dot- net> Steve Pope <spope -at- char -dot- vnet -dot- net> writes:

>What knowledge is best for technical writers: technical or writing
>knowledge. I am preparing a paper on this subject and would like your
>input. Please respond with your replies. If you know of any articles or
>research on this please let me know. Thanks.

It would be best for technical writers to have _both_ technical and
writing knowledge. IMHO, it is much easier to teach writing to a technical
person than to teach technology to a writer. Every educated person
already knows lots about language and writing; the "distance-to-go" is not
overwhelming. However, a non-tech trying to learn the technology does face
a daunting task.

Rob McMillan, Instructor |"Trouble-makers! What else in the name of
Mechanical Engineering Technology | heaven and earth do they expect honourable
Red River Community College | men to be?" C.P. Snow in "The Affair"
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada | << rrmcmil -at- ccu -dot- umanitoba -dot- ca >>

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