List produces mugs: Cool!

Subject: List produces mugs: Cool!
From: LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- HALNET -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 13:03:56 -0600

/Eric Ray recently accused me of clogging up your
mailboxes. I think he was joking. :-) Truly, this
list has had *a lot* of traffic lately, exceeding
Eric's 50 post-per-day limit. Wow!/

On November 6, the Society for Technical Communication (STC)
Oklahoma Chapter and Oklahoma State University student chapter
held a joint meeting in Stillwater. To commemerate the event
(and probably also to raise funds), the students had mugs made.
These white ceramic mugs feature the theme for the meeting,
"Spur a Dialog" (a play with the newsletter names) plus Len Olszewski's
list of "Top ten reasons organizations value their technical
communicators." The mugs sold for $6, and they are really cool!

Similarly, most of you will probably remember the request made to
this list for writing quotes. My good buddy and coworker, David
Parnell, spoke recently on the Texas Tech campus and was given a mug
that was the result of that request. This mug is also really cool,
is made of hi-tech thermal plastic stuff with a granite look, and
reportedly sells for $5.

The bad news is that I'm just a consumer, not a producer, so don't
ask me how to get your own mugs.

The good news is that Eric Ray, Young Kim, or Tom Warren of
Oklahoma State University and Thomas Barker of Texas Tech will
probably be prompted to respond to my message.

Another neat thing is that you'll have the same feeling that
I did, the feeling that *you* know where these students got
their information: from techwr-l. Pretty cool, huh?

LaVonna Funkhouser
vice pres. Oklahoma Chapter of STC
Duncan, OK

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