tech comm prof job

Subject: tech comm prof job
From: LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- HALNET -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 17:47:02 -0600

I found this on another list, and now I'm passing it along.

From: Susan Hilligoss <hillgos%HUBCAP -dot- CLEMSON -dot- EDU -at- internet>
Subject: Position at Clemson University
To: Multiple recipients of list PURTOPOI <PURTOPOI%PURCCVM -dot- BITNET -at- internet>

Please share the following announcement with your colleagues:

Clemson University, an equal opportunity employer, plans to hire,
subject to the availability of funds, two tenure-track assistant
professors with the Ph.D. or equivalent and will consider applications
in the area of 1) technical and professional communication with
expertise in graphic design, page and document design, desktop
publishing, and on-line documentation; and 2) contemporary American
literature and twentieth-century American poetry, with some training
in African American and Hispanic American literature desirable.
Interest and experience in teaching journalism, literary theory, and
women's studies would also be welcome. The Department of English at
Clemson provides a broad spectrum of opportunities for teaching,
research, and service on the graduate and undergraduate levels in
traditional programs as well as in women's studies, the humanities,
film, and rhetoric and composition. Applications from minority
candidates _strongly encouraged._ Send letter of application, c.v.,
and dossier to Dr. James Andreas, Head, Department of English, Clemson
University, Clemson, SC 29634-1503. Applications accepted until
December 15, 1993, or until position is filled.

Susan Hilligoss hillgos -at- hubcap -dot- clemson -dot- edu hillgos -at- clemson -dot- clemson -dot- edu

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