Re: Typefaces discussion

Subject: Re: Typefaces discussion
From: Bonni Graham <Bonni_Graham_at_Enfin-SD -at- RELAY -dot- PROTEON -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 16:28:00 EST

Kathy wrote:
So, in a nutshell, our rally for readability had to take a back
seat to accomodate electronic files and network access. Paper is
no longer the default; our style is in a constant state of flux to
accomodate the newest media types. Anyway, it's something to keep
in mind if you're looking at font properties and readability. kb
---end of original message

A very good point. Yes, I was just speaking on paper doc -- we produce our own,
and only source files are sent to approriate customers (no real formatting,
etc.) so they can apply their own style guides.

We use Arial for online help -- it is as close to a universally available face
as we could find (we do both OS/2 and Windows from a single source file -- yes,
please pity us).

Although, the point I made is still valid -- choose a font on purpose, not
randomly. If it's the Terrible Twins, but there are good reasons for it to be
(like Kathy's), fine. At least do it consciously.

Yours typographically,

Bonni Graham | font, n. Loosely, a typeface
Technical Writer | or family of typefaces. A
Easel Corporation, ENFIN Technology Lab | bit-mapped font is one that
Bonni_Graham_at_Enfin-SD -at- relay -dot- proteon -dot- com | displays a typeface on the
President, San Diego STC | screen of a computer. Type-
| faces for laser printers,
| which must be kept in
| the Blessed System
| Folder, are known as bap-
| tismal fonts.
| --Ezra Shapiro

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