Times Roman 'N' Helvetica (formerly SGML, etc.)

Subject: Times Roman 'N' Helvetica (formerly SGML, etc.)
From: Bonni Graham <Bonni_Graham_at_Enfin-SD -at- RELAY -dot- PROTEON -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 16:40:00 EST

They (TR 'N' H, the Terrible Twins) _are_ clear faces (see below), but
they are also used by everybody and her dog. We ended up using
Palatino (primarily for its lovely italic and lettershapes) and Avant
Gard. I'd rather have used Optima, but I lost on that one. Ah,

Seriously, though, font choice is something to think about carefully.
TR & H give a very solid traditional look -- not something that's very
appropriate for a cutting-edge product, even if only thee and me can
tell. There's a je ne sais quoi about using faces -- people get an
impression of something without even really knowing WHY.

For example, I used Century Schoolbook and Helvetica in a recent
project that was aimed at teachers. What are a lot of text books
printed in? Century Schoolbook. They immediately felt at home, even
if they didn't know why. I've got the feedback to prove this.

For another example, US textbooks are usually printed in a serif face,
therefore, serif faces are more "truthful" (as well as more
recognizable) to a US audience. However, European text books are
usually printed in san serif, therefore... (I read this somewhere in
an article about communicating in international markets, really)

This is a long answer to your question, but I really believe that
typeface choice is highly underrated as a quality issue. Anyone else
wanna comment?

Bonni Graham |
Technical Writer | em dash, n. A hyphen with
Easel Corporation, ENFIN Technology Lab | delusions of grandeur.
Bonni_Graham_at_Enfin-SD -at- relay -dot- proteon -dot- com | --Ezra Shapiro
President, San Diego STC |

From: K Angelucci <tscom001 -at- DUNX1 -dot- OCS -dot- DREXEL -dot- EDU>

Just curious, why didn't you use Times Roman or Helvetica in your
last manual? I always thaought that they were very clear fonts. What did
you use?

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