Re: cultural differences in tech vs. market writing

Subject: Re: cultural differences in tech vs. market writing
From: Shannon Ford <shannon -at- UNIFACE -dot- NL>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 14:31:37 +0100

Fred Wersan writes:

> Germans insist on a lot of
> technical information in advertising literature. They want everything they
> need
> to make a decision. The French, on the other hand, are concerned about the
> style rather than the content. The British (not covered in this book) are
> probably closer to the Germans than the French in this regard. Americans,as
> we know, want to be entertained.

I was a bit naughty in saying `Europeans'; my experience has been with
German, British, Irish, Danish, and Dutch people, who match the description
above (for Germans). (Again, in my small subjective sample)

I have no experience with French, Italian, Spanish, or any other European
peoples, so I apologize for lumping everyone together. That's another common
mistake:thinking that all Europeans are alike.

fords -at- uniface -dot- nl

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