cultural differences in tech vs. market writing

Subject: cultural differences in tech vs. market writing
From: Shannon Ford <shannon -at- UNIFACE -dot- NL>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 09:01:17 +0100

This is an additional comment to John Fulmer's message, shown below:

> From: John Fulmer INET <fulmerjo -at- PULUA -dot- HCC -dot- HAWAII -dot- EDU>
> [...]
> Truth be known, when I am in a position to influence a buy decision, the
> glossies that provide me the better technical information usually get my
> recommendation. At least there I am dealing with a know product that I
> have documentation stating it will perform the job I need it to perform.

I have found that the British and European people I have worked with also
strongly favor no-nonsense, technically-detailed marketing materials. Many
say they can smell an American ad, brochure, data sheet, etc. a mile away, and
find them rather obnoxious.

This is all very informal evidence, mind you; I wonder if anyone has studied
this. It has interesting implications for companies selling outside North

Shannon Ford
fords -at- uniface -dot- nl

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