Re: Windows 7 Screenshots

Subject: Re: Windows 7 Screenshots
From: <neilson -at- windstream -dot- net>
To: Technical Writer <tekwrytr -at- hotmail -dot- com>, techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 9:31:32 -0400

---- Technical Writer <tekwrytr -at- hotmail -dot- com> wrote:
> ... Captivate 4 ... completely bonks on the Windows 7 desktop.

Um, record in C 5, then play it on an XP box and re-record in C 4? I've done kludgier things just trying to move data from A to B. Reminds me of the horse who refused go through a gate. I pushed her through backwards. Voila!

-Peter Neilson,
whose frequent pet peeve is the poor use foreign words, like "viola!" or "wallah!" Or "the hoi polloi," particularly when used to refer specifically to those who are /not/ hoi polloi. Hey, it's the weekend, which is virtual Friday, somewhere.

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