Re: PageMaker vs. Word
PageMaker has been sunsetted. It would be a mistake to start a new regime with it. Although some of us old-timers still use it every day and it remains serviceable, by the time the next version of Windows rolls around, there is no reason to assume PageMaker will be upgraded to work with the new OS.
So far I have not been able to find a way to make PageMaker
automatically update the list or outline. I'm so used to Word
auto-formatting everything, that I feel a little lost. Can anyone
offer me some advice?
If you want to go in the direction of page layout software (rather than structured document software) look at InDesign. But also look at the recent threads on InDesign and on FrameMaker's page layout capabilities.
To answer your specific question, PageMaker works best if you do your writing and editing in Word and then just use PageMaker for making pages. If you are meticulous in the way you treat paragraph styles in both Word and PageMaker, it is possible to link PM stories to Word files and have them update in the PM publication. There are potholes--no, make that craters--in that road, though; and you are often better off doing the update manually, reimporting the updated Word document when it is finished.
PageMaker does have a bullets and numbers plug-in, but I don't believe it has any automatic list update capabilities (I've never used it). I also don't know whether InDesign or any of the available plug-ins has this capability yet.
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