Re: [HOWTO] Web Domain Registration service recommendation?

Subject: Re: [HOWTO] Web Domain Registration service recommendation?
From: eric -dot- dunn -at- ca -dot- transport -dot- bombardier -dot- com
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 09:52:29 -0400

bounce-techwr-l-106467 -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com wrote on 05/21/2005 09:10:53 PM:
> Aren't business models that rely on consumer ignorance fundamentally
> LQ

Really? How about master plumbers, master electricians, cabinet makers, or
any engineering discipline? Aren't they and thousands of other professions
and businesses based on the customer not being able to perform the task?

Heck, I'd hazard most businesses are based on one or both of two
fundamental ideas: 1 - The customer wishes to avoid doing the work because
it is too time consuming or unpleasant, 2 - The customer doesn't know how
to do it.

Laziness or ignorance.

It's my biggest annoyance with the computer industry and particularly the
open-source crowd. The same people who wouldn't dream of getting their
hands dirty plumbing or cutting their lawn (tasks that virtually ANYONE
can do) will look down on those that don't want to get involved in the
back end workings of their computer system.

Perhaps web domain registration and hosting is simple. But perhaps my time
is too valuable to deal with "simple". It's not hand-holding when the
customer doesn't want to get involved because they don't have the time.

Eric L. Dunn
Senior Technical Writer


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