Re: Ellipses
Personally I think the ellipsis looks better with a space on either side of it rather than tight up against a word...
I would definitely omit the surrounding spaces when using the actual ellipsis character. (On the PC, that's Alt+0133 […].) I don't care much for the ellipsis character, though, so I tene to just type three periods, as shown above.
The Chicago Manual of Style shows ellipses that look more like separate periods with intervening spaces, and that seems like a perfectly acceptable way of doing it in a proportional font. As Dick suggests, though, be sure to use nonbreaking spaces, as follows:
nonbreaking space, period,
nonbreaking space, period,
nonbreaking space, period,
regular space
That allows the line to break after the ellipsis, if necessary, but *never* within it...and not before it, either, unless you force a break, out of necessity.
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- Re: Ellipses, Dick Margulis
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