Re: Adobe Table in Pagemaker?
I'm sorry you are unable to use Adobe Table to its full capacity. I
frequently use the program in Pagemaker and have no problems. In fact,
when the table is created I copy it into Pagemaker. Once placed in
Pagemaker it creates a link. When I double click the Pagemaker version
of the table it opens up in Adobe Table. I can then make corrections and
changes, save, and changes are updated in my Pagemaker document. I have
even used Adobe Table with Quark. Have had a few small problems but I
can still make it work. I love Adobe Table. My documents mainly consist
of Operation Manuals for test equipment and I need to create lots of
tables. Adobe Table, for me, has been a lifesaver.
I have been using PageMaker since about 1982 and have been an active participant in for at least six years. Until now there has been absolute unanimity among all users I've ever encountered that Adobe Table is the devil's spawn. Adobe ships it but even they don't claim it actually works, let alone support it. You are the first person I've ever encountered who had something positive to say about it. If you can make that beast do your bidding, you must lead a charmed life ;-) You could probably even get Word's Master Document feature to work for you!
Nonetheless, I'm still going to recommend that new users avoid it like the plague and go straight to InDesign instead.
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- Re: Adobe Table in Pagemaker?, Dick Margulis
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