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Subject:Re: Bringing up DOS From:Megan Golding <mgolding -at- secureworks -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:17 May 2002 12:57:28 -0400
On Fri, 2002-05-17 at 12:23, Janet Valade wrote:
> I have the following text:
> Choose Start->Programs->MS-DOS Prompt
> His comment is:
> "MS-DOS prompt" is not a Windows command. The correct command is
> "dosprmpt".
Your translator is clicking Executer which is the same as Run on the
English version of the Start menu. In Win 98 (English), if I choose
Start->Run and type "command", that pulls up a command (DOS) prompt.
However, the French translator contends he types "dosprompt". This
doesn't work on my (English) Win 98 machine. Perhaps the French version
of Windows is different in that way. Actually, now that I'm thinking of
it, Microsoft calls the prompt "cmd" under various versions of NT.
As for the item on the Programs portion of the Start menu...I don't
trust that it'll be there. The user can totally customize that menu and
he/she may remove it.
I think the safest thing is to tell users to bring up a command (or DOS)
prompt and say in Windows 98, the process is [blah] and in Windows 2000,
the process is [blah].
Megan Golding (mgolding -at- secureworks -dot- net)
SecureWorks, Inc.
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