CSS text positioning (was: Frames and Compatibility)
I will say that I look forward to the day when browsers will support
CSS2 with TEXT POSITIONING. The ability to render side-by-side
divisions, rather than use tables, will be a boon, IMHO. <g>
I've been designing pages using CSS text positioning. The side-by-side divisions (simulating a table) display fine in Netscape 4.75, IE 5, and Opera 4, although some combinations of units and/or percentages don't work in all three browsers. The technique is not quite ready for prime time, but it works better than I expected.
Real Soon Now I'll put some of my test pages on the Web and invite people to comment on them and test them in other browsers, on Macs, etc.
Regards, Jean
Jean Hollis Weber
mailto:jean -at- wrevenge -dot- com -dot- au
The Technical Editors' Eyrie http://www.wrevenge.com.au/
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