Re: How do you edit your own writing?
Does anyone have any good techniques for editing your own work?
I have a page of tips on my website:
Here are three of them. Many of the others have been mentioned by other people in answer to your question.
* Edit in small doses, and take frequent breaks. Divide big projects into sections you can edit completely without tiring. Never edit for more than one hour at a time without taking a break. The longer you edit without a break, the less effective you'll be.
* Make several passes. Don't try to find everything at once. Skim for some things (such as fonts, spacing, missing illustrations), read for others.
* Try to read for content only once; skim when looking for other problems on other passes.
For suggestions of specific things to look for, you could try this handy little book:
Edit yourself, by Bruce Ross-Larson, W.W. Norton & Co., 1996, ISBN 0393313263
Regards, Jean
Jean Hollis Weber
mailto:jean -at- wrevenge -dot- com -dot- au
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