Re: Knocking 'em dead at a new job
Aside from doing what they ask really fast and really well, name five
things you do to make a great first impression.
Well, let's see. I've been at my new job just over two months now,
so I may be marginally qualified to attempt this.
1) Ask a lot of questions.
2) Read the style guide and offer to do peer edits.
3) Learn everything you can about the company's products.
4) Get to know the engineers.
5) Ask more questions.
That's not exactly what I've done here to inspire my boss to tell
me on more than one occasion that she's happy I'm working here,
but these are things I think can contribute to success wherever
you go. In addition, of course, to what you say about working
really fast and really well.
Now I'm curious to see what will be on other people's lists.
Martha Jane {Kolman | Davidson}
Dances With Words
mailto:editrix -at- slip -dot- net
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me,
If I am only for myself, what am I,
If not now, when?"
--Hillel, Mishna, "Sayings of the Fathers," 1:13
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