Re: End-user Survey over the Internet
Title: RE: End-user Survey over the Internetfwiw....
> I have a question about designing end-user surveys and
> conducting them over
> the Internet.
> We would like to avoid getting responses:
> 1. From end-users who have not bought any of our products.
If you want to target existing customers, then I wouldn't stick it on a web page that anyone could access. Perhaps a blanket email to the users, or perhaps including hardcopy in the next round of packaging?
> 2. That could potentially be lop-sided, e.g., mostly users who have
> something negative to feedback.
if you think it's lopsided, you could use additional criteria to determine if a specific audience type is generally most negative. For example, you might want to know whether the customer was a novice computer user, or a novice at your software. If you receive ID information from respondants, possibly try to correlate their use of help desk or support calls.
Nonetheless, a highly negative response is not necessarily a Bad Thing for you. It can indicate which aspects of the doc need improvement, or could indicate if a particular aspect of the product itself is hard to use and should be rethought.
> 3. From end-users who may take part merely to get some
> freebies, and so,
> didn't give much thought in the feedback.
Make sure that your questions are specific enough so that even if the respondant doesn't give it much attention, you can cull some sort of information from it. As for the free "parting gifts", either give everyone one cheapie thing (10% on the next upgrade) or enter then in a drawing for something really cool (a Dodge Viper springs to mind <g>).
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