Re: job
Title: RE: jobif you're still in school (even grad school) check for Co-operative Education opportunities. I became a "tech writer" when my teaching assistantship ran out and I needed to find something that payed. My school had a program with IBM in Atlanta, and I managed to land something, which started me on the way.
Another option is to apply to consulting firms instead of directly to firms yourself. Often consulting shops are paid by their clients to supply X warm bodies, to do specific tasks.
Dan Roberts
droberts -at- isogon -dot- com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Fitztzgerald [mailto:chrisfitztex -at- YAHOO -dot- COM]
> Sent: Sunday, August 08, 1999 3:33 PM
> To: TECHWR-L -at- LISTSERV -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU
> Subject: job
> Hi everyone. I'm new to this list and am new to tech.
> writing. I'm having
> a difficult time in getting started because everyone wants
> experience, but
> no one wants to give me a chance to GET experience. I can
> move anywhere
> for now, and am taking courses to gather somewhat of a
> portfolio of writing
> samples. Is there anyone out there who has some insight as
> to how to get
> my foot in the door and still make a decent wage?
> I interview well, have always done well at work, but look weak on my
> resume. (teaching English doesn't seem to count to recruiters).
> ==============================================================
> =============
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