Re: How Do You NOT Mention Salary First?

Subject: Re: How Do You NOT Mention Salary First?
From: Lisa Ann Miller <lisamil -at- ANET-STL -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 06:18:28 -0500

I really like your idea of placing the highest salary for which you feel
you are qualified in the box. Add $500 or $1,000 to it (especially if you
are a woman) and you should be about right. You lose the negotiation if
you give them your absolute bottom non-negotiable price up front. That
leaves no room to bargain. You can always bargain down from the high
salary range and make up the difference in benefits, time off, etc. If
they are interested they'll make a counter-offer even if their shocked at
your first price.

Lisa Miller
lisamil -at- anet-stl -dot- com

From: Anonymous User[SMTP:anonfwd -at- RAYCOMM -dot- COM]
Sent: Monday, April 12, 1999 7:09 PM
Subject: FWD: How Do You NOT Mention Salary First?

Name withheld upon request. Please reply on list.


I've recently interviewed at several companies, and in each case, the
hiring manager has asked "How much do you want?" Some of them asked
at the beginning of the interview, some have asked in a follow-up
chat after the interview.

Professional recruiters tell me a) whoever mentions a number first
loses the negotiation b) we ask so we can see what the market is
without bothering to do research (!).

I've tried such responses as, "What am I worth to your company?"
or, "What ballpark are you playing in?" They respond with,
"I don't know what our budget is for this (then how will they know
if I am in the same region they are?) until I talk to the Head
Budgeteer." or, "We have promoted from within for so long we don't
know what the market is." or, "We have a broad range of salaries, so
I don't know yet what we can offer you." The only possible answer
I can think of is, "I want as much as I can get." and, if really
pressed, to name a high but not astronomical figure.

The latest one is a company that won't entertain further discussion
or make an offer until I fill out their application form, and they
won't look at the application until I put a number in the box.

What do you do when pressed for a number? How do I handle this without
screwing myself out of a good salary? Or out of an offer? What if I
say, "Make me an offer and I'll let you know." Yes, I've checked the
STC survey for this area, and I know enough of other writers' salaries
here to know that the range is wide, and many hiring managers don't
have a clue what I should be worth (gets back to the old "tech-comm
pro vs. glorified secretary" discussion too). I also know that what I
start with will affect my income for as many years as I stay with a
company, as those raises are only tiny percentage increments no
matter how valuable you are.

Message forwarded on request. Please reply on list.

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