Re: FWD: What to do in slack times?

Subject: Re: FWD: What to do in slack times?
From: Virginia_Day -at- DATACARD -dot- COM
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 12:30:02 -0500

I've seen lots of good suggestions so far. I especially like the idea of working
with product testing. Here are a few more ideas:

Find a new information need and meet it. Ask: what information do support
people ask for most often? Or, what questions get forwarded to level 3 support?
Or, what new way has a customer invented to use your product(s)? Answers to
these types of questions lead to User support groups, customer newsletters, tech
support bulletins, implementation guides (or newsletters) and other
focused publications that meet real needs of users, whether internal or

Contribute to the company newsletter. You'll get to interview folks, make new
contacts, maybe find a new friend or an area where you can provide writing

Lead a technology update/improvement for your writing or work group, such as
upgrading tools or templates, piloting a new technology (like HTMLHelp), or
implementing a new or improved process.

Find the area of information (in your docs) you are most puzzled about and plan
one or more site visits to address your questions and increase your knowledge.

BW, Virginia

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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