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Re: Okay, So I'm Not Done After All :D (WAS: WHAT did you say?)
Subject:Re: Okay, So I'm Not Done After All :D (WAS: WHAT did you say?) From:Niebergall Peter-APN001C <apn001c -at- EUROPE -dot- MOT -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 23 Sep 1998 17:41:22 +0200
John Gilger wrote:
> <snip>
> Around here (here being Silicon Valley), the ongoing discussion about
> bringing in technical talent from overseas via the H1-B visa route
> highlights a major problem: [...] to import people who are willing to
work cheaper and improve
> the corporate
> bottom line so that the CEO can live in luxury in Silicon
> Valley.
I'm one of those "talents" waiting for that H1 (intracorporate transfer,
I believe) visa route to become possible (my experience so far is that
my chances of getting a green card via lottery are way higher than any
US company going through the hassles imposed for that "visa route"), but
what makes you think that I am willing to work "cheaper" ??? Could you
please provide me with an example of a tech writing position being
staffed with a qualified European who takes even less than you
"homegrowns" (judging from the recently threaded published STC Dallas
chapter salary survey) ?? If so, did the person live in a tent ?
I think that your assertions may be true for Californian grape pickers,
but not for white collar workers from Europe. And if you've ever worked
with a team of qualified Asian Indians, you'll know that your position
is not endangered at all, due to the "style" of their work. German
companies took early advantage of outsourcing programming jobs to
Bangalore, three years later they are developing back in Germany, due to
communications problems and rising prices. The programmers in India were
very cheap, very numerous, very ambitious in the early nineties, but
with more companies using their resources, their prices rose. Nowadays
you can find jobs in Taiwan and India on a salary level of Europeans,
which is extremely high compared to the local cost of living.
So please don't blow the horn of protectionism, it never served the US
well. ;^>
Eric, please forgive the online posting of this reply, but I'm too
interested what the other 3999+ have to say to this issue...
> Best regards, Peter
> CORPORATE , Telecommunication & Information Security EMEA
> External Contractor eMail : apn001c -at- email -dot- mot -dot- com
> Peter Niebergall Phone : + 49 (0)6128 70-2023
> Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 1 Fax : + 49 (0)6128 72920
> 65232 Taunusstein
> Germany