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Re: Alerting existing users to changes in a new version of software
Subject:Re: Alerting existing users to changes in a new version of software From:"Burns, Nancy" <nburns -at- BREAULT -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 14 Sep 1998 12:41:39 -0700
I like Smokey Lynne L. Bare's ideas of using attention-getting techniques.
Whenever my company plans to make a major product or support changes that
will affect the requirements for using our product, we notify our users by a
letter from one of our managers far enough in advance of the change so that
users can plan for it (for example, switch platforms, upgrade hardware). We
include a telephone number to the responsible sales manager in case they
have questions.
Nancy Burns
nburns -at- breault -dot- com
-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, September 11, 1998 7:31 AM
>I'm trying to figure out an effective way to alert our customers of
>important product changes coming in our next release, but well enough in
>advance that they can take necessary steps.