TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
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Barry Kieffer wrote:
> Patty writes:
> <snip>
> > If you were given the opportunity to set the agenda for this kind of
> > meeting, what would you want to include?
> </snip>
> I was invited to tour a printer shop (XEROX) that does most of the printing
> for our company.
> One real eye opener was all of the little gotchas that can foul up a print
> job.
I might be tempted to read a book about printing before I took the tour.
You'll probably get more out of it, and you'll certainly be able to ask
more intelligent questions.
One book I like very much is "Getting It Printed" by Mark Beach. He
pretty much covers the basics, and unlike some others on the market, the
book is fairly up to date.
Linda K. Sherman <linsherm -at- gte -dot- net>
Freelance Writer -- Technical - Business - Government
Dysgwch Gymraeg! Learn Welsh! --