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Subject:Need immediate reply to a verb usage From:"Parker, Cassandra M. (EXCH)" <CMPARKER -at- INTERMEDIA -dot- COM> Date:Tue, 8 Sep 1998 15:33:51 -0400
List Members,
What is the rule for singular verb usage?
Which is correct and why with the emphasis being on the verb?
a. Intermead (which is the company name) reserve the right to refuse to
answer any questions.
b. Intermead (which is the company name) reserves the right to refuse
to answer any questions.
c. Intermead intend to contract only with the supplier of the selected
d. Intermead intends to contract only with the supplier of the selected
e. Intermead expect to execute an agreement with the selected supplier.
f. Intermead expects to execute an agreement with the selected
Unfortunately, I need an answer within the hour for a paper I am
Thanks in advance for your quick reply.
C.M. Parker
Cassandra M. Parker