Re: [Long] Making Money in Technical Writing & Roger Peterson

Subject: Re: [Long] Making Money in Technical Writing & Roger Peterson
From: Andrew Plato <aplato -at- EASYSTREET -dot- COM>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 11:30:44 -0800

I missed the first round of comments, but I can say there was one thing
missing from your book, Making Money in Technical Writing.

A stern warning to anyone who is considering becoming a freelancer that
doing so requires an extraordinary amount of commitment. I have been
freelancing now for almost two years and I work WAY more than I ever did as
a full-timer. It is not because I have a ton of clients, but because there
are so much work involved in setting up a company, marketing yourself, and
negotiating with clients.

I think a lot of people see freelancing in some rosy light. Like
freelancers are these free, happy, self-fullfilled people with lots of money
and free-time. The reality is, most freelancers are overworked, heavily
taxed, and often teetering on bankruptcy. Sure, you can make a lot of
money. But not without great expense to your sanity, social life, and

I rarely recommend this life style to people. I think it requires a certain
type of ego and attitude to make it as a freelancer. (Generally, ego
maniacs and workaholics are the only ones that ever succeed. I think I have
the ego maniac part figured out now.)

If security and free-time are important to you -- DO NOT become a freelance
tech writer.

Andrew Plato
Owner / Principal Consultant
Anitian Technology Services
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Kent <pkent -at- topfloor -dot- com>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.techwr-l
Date: Friday, January 30, 1998 10:45 AM
Subject: [Long] Making Money in Technical Writing & Roger Peterson

>Roger Peterson suggested that I write to the list.
>A few days ago Roger sent a msg to the list asking for people's comments
>about my book, "Making Money in Technical Writing" in comparison with
>Robert W. Bly's book, "Secrets of a Freelance Writer" Roger received around
>60 responses; most were asking for information about the books, but a few
>provided comments. Roger then summarized the comments, sent the summary to
>those 60 or so people ... and, unfortunately, then deleted the list of
>I say unfortunately because at least one of the comments was a little
>disturbing to me. I asked Roger for the chance to respond to the comments
>(a book reviewer sent me a copy of Roger's msg), but as he deleted the list
>that isn't possible. So I'm hoping you won't mind if I respond here.
>These are the comments (with the most disturbing first), followed by my
>(These are summaries of comments by people responding to Roger, not Roger's


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