DisplayWrite 4 Files

Subject: DisplayWrite 4 Files
From: Stuart Burnfield <slb -at- FS -dot- COM -dot- AU>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 16:34:31 +0800

David -

> Our department has been asked if any version of Framemaker can handle
> Display-write-4 files without loss of format and styles. We don't have
> experience with this and are wondering whether Framemaker is the way
> to go.
> If the answer is a big no then can anyone suggest an alternative DTP
> package that WILL do the job easily.

Filtrix is a package of filters for converting between various WP and
DTP formats. It supports about 20+ source formats and about a dozen
output formats. The source formats include DisplayWrite 2, 3, 4 & 5.
The output formats include FrameMaker MIF 3, 4 & 5.

I have no experience with the DisplayWrite filter so I can't tell you
how well it works.

The Help topic for DisplayWrite has this to say:

"Supported Features
Headers and footers
Vertical rules

Non-Supported Features
Table of contents"

You won't usually get a perfect conversion of even simple documents
from one format to another. Expect to do some manual tidy-up after
the filter does the bulk of the work. Most filter vendors will convert
some sample documents so you can see how good/bad the conversion is.
You can usually get a demo version for a trial period too.

You can find out more about Filtrix from:

Blueberry Software fax: 707-829-5380
260 Petaluma Avenue http://www.blueberry.com
Sebastopol, CA 95472

To answer your second question: it sounds like the conversion of your
DW 4 files will be a one-off exercise. I strongly suggest you treat
the conversion and publishing as separate questions. First work out
what's the best DTP package for your needs. I think Frame is fantastic
but it would all depend on your business.

Once you've decided on the right DTP software, then worry about the
best way to convert your old docs.

Stuart Burnfield . . . who first used a DisplayWriter (not
Functional Software Pty Ltd the PC software, the dedicated WP box) in
mailto:slb -at- fs -dot- com -dot- au 1982, and still has the 8-inch floppies to
prove it . . .

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