Re: e-mail??????

Subject: Re: e-mail??????
From: "Parks, Beverly" <ParksB -at- EMH1 -dot- HQISEC -dot- ARMY -dot- MIL>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 09:07:04 -0700

Most of the examples that people use to justify a capital E in email
have reasons for being capitalized that simply do not apply to

A T-shirt is shaped like a T, not like a t.
An A-frame is shaped like an A, not like an a.
The elemental symbol for hydrogen is H, not h (H-bomb).

Bev Parks
parksb -at- emh1 -dot- hqisec -dot- army -dot- mil

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Wilcox [SMTP:Clwilcox -at- MICRON -dot- COM]
> I'll put my two cents in on this one, because it's an issue we've
> questioned recently. The NY Times (not that it's a definitive
> authority) spells it E-mail in keeping with words that predate E-mail,
> such as T-shirt, H-bomb, and A-frame, and capitalizes it when it
> occurs.
> If you consider it in that context, it makes sense to capitalize and
> hyphenate it, IMHO.

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