Re: Writing samples

Subject: Re: Writing samples
From: Marilyn Fenter <mfenter -at- PTC -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 10:31:22 -0500

Tracy Boyington wrote:

> > 2) If the person soliciting the position cannot tell enough about the
> > applicant from the resume and phone conversation to know if the person
> > is worth further investigation, then "in most cases", the person doesn't
> > really know what they are looking for or how to do this part of the
> > process.
> So... those who don't do things in *your* preferred order don't know
> what they want or what they're doing? I beg to differ.
> Personally, I'd try to meet the employer's requirements rather than
> expecting them to meet mine. I've only been involved on the hiring end a
> couple of times, but I can tell you that we *did* look at writing
> samples and eliminated applicants who had good resumes but just couldn't
> write. There were no phone calls unless you passed that stage.
> Obviously everybody's experience is different, and if you've been
> successful using your own method, more power to you. I guess if you have
> a fabulous resume you can be a little more demanding. But to all the new
> writers (and wannabe writers) on this list -- if an ad asks for writing
> samples, send writing samples!!!
> Tracy
> --
> ==============================================
> Tracy Boyington tracy_boyington -at- okvotech -dot- org
> Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education
> Stillwater, OK, USA
> ==============================================
At my last writing job, I answered a newspaper ad for a writer. The ad
stated that the interviewers wanted writing samples and salary requirements
along with the standard cover letter and resume. I sent off the whole package
of requirements even though I was offended by their demands. I NEEDED a job.
This was during a much slower economy. The company was using all of these
methods to narrow their search. I eventually had one telephone screening,
which lasted about 1/2 hour, and THEN I had one interview with three separate
people - the software designer, the engineering manager, and the sole writer.
I was hired. That was my goal, and I felt that it was my job (at the time)
to fit into the scenario that the company was creating. (No, I would not
jump off a bridge if they had asked me :-)).

Marilyn Fenter

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