Re: Merging PDF Files?

Subject: Re: Merging PDF Files?
From: Wendy Phillips <wendy -at- SYNERGEX -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:10:02 -0800

Yes, this is very easy to do in Acrobat Exchange, and the graphical
method sounds good. But, if you're interested in an approach that offers
quantitative control and is nearly instantaneous, you should try the

Create both files independently and then, from the Document pull-down
menu, select Insert Pages. From the Insert pages dialog box you'll have
the option to insert the other PDF file anywhere you wish in the
document by typing in the page number.

There are also options in the Document pull-down menu for Extract Pages,
Replace Pages, and Delete Pages.
Have fun. Adobe's made it pretty easy to slice and dice your PDFs.

On Friday, January 23, 1998 10:51 AM, Walter Hanig
[SMTP:wdh -at- NETMANAGE -dot- COM] wrote:
> At 12:43 PM 1/23/98 -0600, Schweda, Christopher wrote:
> >Is it possible to merge two PDF files into one, single PDF?
> 3. Drag a rectangle to select the thumbnails for the source PDF.
> 4. Drag the selected thumbnails to the desired location in the
destination PDF. Be careful not to replace thumbnails in the
destination. (An "R" appears if Acrobat thinks you're replacing.)
> 5. If desired, save the destination (combined PDF) with a new name.
> fyi, there is a utility called Compose that is excellent for
concatenating multiple PDFs into one. Worth the $ if you do this often.
It also has a tool that automates bookmark creation.

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