ANNOUNCE: SOLUTIONS Updated Seminar Schedule

Subject: ANNOUNCE: SOLUTIONS Updated Seminar Schedule
From: "SOLUTIONS, Inc." <conference -at- SOL-SEMS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 17:22:33 +0000

Here's an updated SOLUTIONS training schedule.
(OOPS!! We discovered some incorrect dates on the
February postcard we sent by snail mail. This
email has the RIGHT dates!)

(Hands-on - 1 person per PC)

Using RoboHELP 5 - $695
* Boston - February 18-19 *
* New York - February 25-26 *
* Tampa - March 24-25 *
* Chicago - April 7-8 *

Advanced RoboHELP 5 - $445
* Tampa - March 26 *
* Chicago - April 9 *

Upgrading to RoboHELP 5 - $445
* Boston - February 20 *
* New York - February 27 *
* Tampa - March 23 *
* Chicago - April 6 *

Upgrade your skills when you upgrade your
RoboHELP software! If you've ever attended a
public session of a SOLUTIONS RoboHELP seminar,
you're eligible for an ALUMNI DISCOUNT when you
register for "Upgrading to RoboHELP 5." This
offer is now available February through April
1998 only. Call for details.


Managing Documents as Information
Resources - $675
* Boston - February 26-27 *
NEW! This seminar identifies strategies,
technologies, and standards for planning and
implementing an electronic document management
system. Added by popular request!

Estimating, Scheduling, and Tracking
Documentation Projects (call for price)
* Santa Clara - February 18-19 *
* Santa Clara - August 5-6 *

Developing an Information Plan (call for price)
* Santa Clara - April 22-23 *


Indexing Technical Documents
(call for price)
* Santa Clara - February 20 *
* Santa Clara - August 7 *

The Technical Writer's Annual Physical: How
Healthy Is Your Writing? (call for price)
* Santa Clara - April 24 *

Call about discounts for groups and for
individuals attending more than one seminar.
All seminars can be presented at your site.

To register or for more information:

Call: 800-448-4230 (US) or 781-942-1610
Fax: 781-942-1616
Email: solutions -at- sol-sems -dot- com

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