[Fwd: Michael Sargent <sargent -at- startext -dot- net>: FW: malicious virus]
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From: Michael Sargent <sargent -at- startext -dot- net>
To: "'Randal G Nelson'" <ShiRan-Tech -at- juno -dot- com>
Subject: FW: malicious virus
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 07:37:24 -0600
Message-ID: <01BD2708 -dot- 96AEC660 -at- dial222-40 -dot- startext -dot- net>
For your info Randy-in case you haven't heard.
From: Donald L. Barley[SMTP:jake -at- centex -dot- net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 1998 7:06 PM
To: Gerald Geistweidt; Kenneth L Ross; Larry Sharp; Mike Sargent;
Charlie Smith
Subject: Fw: malicious virus
-----Original Message-----
From: R.A. Evans <raevans -at- centex -dot- net>
To: traston -at- centex -dot- net <traston -at- centex -dot- net>; jake -at- centex -dot- net
<jake -at- centex -dot- net>; reride -at- centex -dot- net <reride -at- centex -dot- net>;
christy -at- centex -dot- net
<christy -at- centex -dot- net>; mikedavisbnb -at- juno -dot- com <mikedavisbnb -at- juno -dot- com>;
iu4ever -at- centex -dot- net <iu4ever -at- centex -dot- net>; raevans -at- centex -dot- net
<raevans -at- centex -dot- net>; fumc -at- centex -dot- net <fumc -at- centex -dot- net>;
dharris -at- centex -dot- net
<dharris -at- centex -dot- net>; cvh -at- centex -dot- net <cvh -at- centex -dot- net>; tincup -at- centex -dot- net
<tincup -at- centex -dot- net>; king -at- centex -dot- net <king -at- centex -dot- net>;
mkingrr1 -at- centex -dot- net
<mkingrr1 -at- centex -dot- net>; docklein -at- centex -dot- net <docklein -at- centex -dot- net>;
rjl -at- centex -dot- net <rjl -at- centex -dot- net>; mcanally -at- centex -dot- net
<mcanally -at- centex -dot- net>;
moorman -at- centex -dot- net <moorman -at- centex -dot- net>; wildon -at- centex -dot- net
<wildon -at- centex -dot- net>; quinnrch -at- centex -dot- net <quinnrch -at- centex -dot- net>;
thebr -at- centex -dot- net <thebr -at- centex -dot- net>; ttllss -at- centex -dot- net
<ttllss -at- centex -dot- net>;
ces1952 -at- aol -dot- com <ces1952 -at- aol -dot- com>; bsh -at- centex -dot- net <bsh -at- centex -dot- net>;
stephen -at- centex -dot- net <stephen -at- centex -dot- net>; john_s -at- centex -dot- net
<john_s -at- centex -dot- net>; pvthom -at- centex -dot- net <pvthom -at- centex -dot- net>;
mcif -at- centex -dot- net
<mcif -at- centex -dot- net>; philw -at- hctc -dot- net <philw -at- hctc -dot- net>; butch -at- centex -dot- net
<butch -at- centex -dot- net>
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 1998 12:31 PM
Subject: malicious virus
>Cynthia Reeves
>Office Supervisor
>West Central Cellular
>creeves -at- centex -dot- net
> Date:
> Sat, 17 Jan 1998 11:41:39 -0600 (CST)
> From:
> Becky Young <becky -at- wcc -dot- net>
> To:
> office -at- wcc -dot- net
>>>>>>If you receive an email titled "JOIN THE CREW" DO NOT open it. It
>>>>>>erase everything on your hard drive. Forward this letter out to as
>>>>>>people as you can. This is a new, very malicious virus and not many
>>>>>>people know about it. This information was announced yesterday
>>>>>>from IBM; please share it with everyone that might access the
>>>>>>Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address book so
>>>>>>this may be stopped. Also, do not open or even look at any mail
>>>>>>says "RETURNED OR UNABLE TO DLIVERY" This virus will attach itself
>>>>>>your computer components and render them useless. Immediatley
>>>>>>mail items that say this. AOL has said that this is a very
>>>>>>virus and that there is NO remedy for it at this time. Please
>>>>>>cautionary measures and forward this to all your online friends
>Richard Evans (R.A. Evans)
>PO Box 655 Brady, Tx 76825
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