Microsoft IE 4.0

Subject: Microsoft IE 4.0
From: Daniel Wise <dewise -at- IX -dot- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:54:43 -0600

Mr. coates,

In your column published Monday, January 19, in the Birmingham (AL) News you
extoll the virtues of IE 4.0, pointing out that it is free with Win95. I do
not pretend to be an expert on browsers; far from it.

However, I have been reading comment after comment about the damage done by
IE 4.0 when it is loaded *following* Win 95. I have copied this note to the
copyediting list and two technical writing lists where I am sure I have read
about IE 4.0 deleting .DLLs. I invite the regulars from all three lists to
pass their experiences along to you--positive or negative.

I know that my own son had this problem when he loaded IE 4.0.

I think you do a disservice to your readers when you endorse a product
without reservation solely on the basis of cost. I also think you do an
injustice to Netscape. I have visited several Web sites on which Netscape
was available free. If the only difference between the two is cost, and IE
4.0 is going to damage or delete my files, I believe I would go ahead and
pay the $40 or so to get software that works and leaves my other files

As with all things, it is possible my information is wrong. That is why I
have invited others to tell you their stories directly.

Daniel E. Wise
dewise -at- ix -dot- netcom -dot- com

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