Re: Personal Knowledge Base
Please help me get organized. How do you manage the information you get
from lists (this and others)?
I use a wonderful program called Info Select from Micro Logic. It's a freeform information manager--perfect for tracking little scraps of text. Scraps of text go in items which are organized under topics in an outline format. It's very easy to add a new item or topic. Searching the entire database for all items that include a certain text string is blindingly fast. Info Select would be a very useful program if it didn't do any more that this, but its outline format can also include calendars, flat-file databases, and templates. It can even be used as an email program (though I haven't done so--I don't use half its features yet).
Info Select suits my style very well: I'm not one for setting up complex databases ahead of time; I like to organize as I go. Info Select lets me do that and allows me to find what I need fast. Check out Micro Logic's web page at
-Dave Munger
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