access and learning TW software? -Reply

Subject: access and learning TW software? -Reply
From: David Hailey <FAHAILEY -at- WPO -dot- HASS -dot- USU -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 11:46:12 -0700

Those mentioned most
often seem to be Robohelp, Visual Basic, FrameMaker, and Acrobat. My two
questions are:
- Does this seem to be a pretty good starter list? Any
- Does anybody know of places I might get used or earlier-edition copies of
programs to teach myself?
Thanks for your help!

Hi Vanessa,
Welcome to the madhouse. The software you mentioned is mostly good, though
I'm not certain of the value of Visual Basic. I would add a couple of
thoughts. If you can take a course somewhere, you can get most of these
products at student discount rates. RoboHELP and FrameMaker, for example, are
very expensive outside the academic community but relatively cheap to

I would also keep in mind that approximtely 80% of the technical writing
positions expect at least some publications management and that more than 50%
of jobs expect some ability to use PhotoShop and Illustrator or Corel Draw.
Coming out of marketing, you may already have those skills in hand.

Dave Hailey
Assistant Professor etc. . .
Utah State University

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