Re: Manual non-standard font question

Subject: Re: Manual non-standard font question
From: "Mitman, Rikki" <Rikki -dot- Mitman -at- COMPAQ -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 08:41:38 -0600

>>>IBM did some readability studies some years ago and found that heavy use of
>>>acronyms (in all caps) on the page reduced comprehension. They mandated
>>>that all acronyms be done using small caps, which effectively blended the
>>>acronym nicely into surrounding text.
>>I did a manual in FrameMaker using that convention. It was a lot of work.
Couldn't you use search and replace to change them from caps to small
caps when the doc was finished?

Rikki Mitman
Speaking strictly for myself.

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