customer service guidelines

Subject: customer service guidelines
From: Irene Wong <wongword -at- OZEMAIL -dot- COM -dot- AU>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 19:47:23 +1000

Hello all

Our branch is looking at our relationships with our current and
potential internal authors.

As part of this work it has been suggested that we should have customer
service guidelines. Has anyone been through this process before?

In particular I am looking for customer service guidelines for people
who help design and edit policy and other documents. We also arrange for
authors? material to be entered onto a database for products which are
published monthly in hard copy format and on CD. Other people organise
for material to be included on our internet and intranet sites.

It has occurred to me that perhaps a code of ethics type standard is
more appropriate.

I can?t really see us setting time limits like a telephone information
service ie "we will answer x% of calls in 21 seconds".

I?ve a copy of the major text books (Hackos etc) in our field. I will
look through these for ideas. In the meantime can you help me with any
ideas about what the guidelines might be or how I should approach this

Irene Wong
Senior editor
Australian Securities Commission
Sydney, Australia

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