Taking the time

Subject: Taking the time
From: Richard Farley <rtfarley -at- IX -dot- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 09:30:29 -0800

As someone who has worked in a variety of industries/positions over
thirty years I find postings expressing a reluctance to teach and train
most upsetting. I believe we were/are all learners at one time or
another. The classroom experience means little without OJT, and OJT
demands that someone lend a helping hand. To claim that we don't have
the time is to create an atmosphere of "clock chasers" who are adept at
making deadlines, but bring to those deadlines an inferior product.

It has been my experience that the best employees are those who have a
willingness to learn, and the worst managers those who have a reluctance
to teach.


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