Cross document searching in Word 97

Subject: Cross document searching in Word 97
From: Keith Soltys <ksoltys -at- DJTTD -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 19:00:46 GMT

In response to an earlier message about searching across documents in Word, I
posted a message recommending a third-party utility, Search and Replace by
Funduc Software. However, if you are using Word 97, there is another option.
Just click on the Advanced button in the File Open dialog.

You are presented with an Advanced Find dialog box that lets you search on
just about anything you can think of. For example, I was able to create as
search that looked for all files of type *.* in my document directory and
subdirectories that had been saved by myself and contained phrases that
started with "Network Server is".

This is a vast improvement over what was available with Word 6. It's still
not as powerful as Search and Replace or as fast, but if you have Word 97
you may not need anything better.

Keith Soltys -- ksoltys -at- djttd -dot- com --
Senior Technical Writer, Technical Development, Dow Jones Markets Inc.
Certainly the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you;
if you don't bet, you can't win. --Robert A. Heinlein

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