[Fwd: STC and other orgs.]

Subject: [Fwd: STC and other orgs.]
From: "Stephen D. Martin" <smartin -at- STORM -dot- CA>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 16:48:58 -0500

Apologies to all, I'd meant to send this to the list originally but goofed.

Stephen D. Martin wrote:

> Barb Ostapina wrote:
> > ensue. If you have thoughts about STC or alternative options, please email
> > me privately if you think it will create a ruckus.
> While I'm no big fan of Holy Wars myself (I gave them up after the Children's
> Crusade), I do hope that everybody would feel free to comment freely on this
> topic, and that we're all adult enough to be mature about it. (attempting to
> sidestep a bout of circular logic).
> As someone who is currently between "real" contracts and merely subcontracting
> from other overburdened TechWhirlers (in between feedings and diaper changing
> for my lord and master Noah Walter Gabriel (he of the two months and four
> days), joining the STC or some such organization is becoming somewhat
> necessary.
> I look upon everyone's comments about the STC with interest but some news on
> alternatives (particularly in the Ottawa, Ontario region) would be welcomed.
> My contacts with the TWs I'm subcontracting from are great, but I think that
> potential employers and/or links to them need to know that I exist, which is
> where STC (or any alternatives) meetings seem like a good opportunity.
> I should point out that I do have two real good agencies hunting out positions
> for me but lately they're only finding short-term (that is two weeks - three
> months), contracts.
> As a general aside:
> In the midst of savage ice storms and, thankfully, following my latest document
> deadline, my Netscape configuration imploded and I'm unable to access my
> received email.
> Buck Buchanan, I received your response re: PM65 and will get back to you as
> soon as (a) I have news for you, and (b) I have your email address. <sigh>
> To anybody else who may have sent me email in the past week and hasn't received
> a response, please repost your email if you desire a response.
> My apologies for any inconvenience.
> Rgds.

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