Big Brother, was: Store Files on a Server?

Subject: Big Brother, was: Store Files on a Server?
From: John Posada <posada -at- FAXSAV -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 15:03:30 -0500

Hey kiddies...FYI.

I was in the coffee room this morning and standing next to me was a VP of our company. Since I'd never been introduced face to face, I turned to him and said "Hi..we've never been introduced. My name is John Posada."

He looks at me and says "I know who you are, my name is xxxxx" He then tells me how yesterday he had a few minutes and decided to surf the web to see what was being said about our company using DejaNews.

He then tells me that he noticed I was a big contributor to lists. We then joked about how it was usually faster to get technical support on lists than by going straight to the manufacturer.

The moral of the doesn't take Big Brother reading emails to make you wish you hadn't said something on the net. The material sticks around for years and anyone can find it.

By the way.if you are watching..

Hi, George!

-----Original Message-----
From: Buchholz, Maureen [SMTP:MBUCHHOLZ -at- SMHPO1 -dot- HOSP -dot- GOV -dot- BC -dot- CA]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 1998 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: Store Files on a Server?

When IS informed me they backup only email regularly (case of Big
Brother watching??) and don't have space for everyone's files, I bought
a tape backup. I find I sleep better nites.

John Posada, Technical Writer (and proud of the title)
The world's premier Internet fax service company: The FaxSav Global Network
-work -personal
-work mailto:posada -at- faxsav -dot- com -personal mailto:john -at- tdandw -dot- com
-work phone: 732-906-2000 X2296 -home phone: 732-291-7811
My opinions are mine, and neither you nor my company can take credit for them.

HEY! Are you coming to the NJ TechWriter lunch? So far, about 10
of us are. Ask me about it.

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