Re: STC and other orgs.

Subject: Re: STC and other orgs.
From: Barb Ostapina <Barb -dot- Ostapina -at- METROMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 11:21:18 -0500

who is a member of STC, and finds STC members to be neither more whiny
nor less whiny than members of any other professional organization, but
thinks that if you don't see any benefits to membership, you should not
be a member, and what's the big deal anyway?>>

It's not a big deal. I was just curious about people's opinions because I'm
getting ready to renew my membership. My experience has been positive, but
I'm always open to better ways. And it's not like I have lots of time to
spare. I did not intend a holy war by my question and hope one will not
ensue. If you have thoughts about STC or alternative options, please email
me privately if you think it will create a ruckus.
barb -dot- ostapina -at- metromail -dot- com

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