Re: Text displaying after certain date

Subject: Re: Text displaying after certain date
From: Peggy Malecki <Peggy_Malecki -at- MW -dot- 3COM -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 10:53:56 -0600

Oops, also forgot to mention build tags. Set them for the specific date. I
don't recall the specifics on how to do this, but perhaps someone else can


lhguillory -at- JUNO -dot- COM on 01/13/98 09:41:03 AM

Please respond to lhguillory -at- JUNO -dot- COM

Subject: Text displaying after certain date

Has anyone out there been asked to display text
in a help topic ONLY after a certain date? I don't even
know where to start looking for this answer. I searched
the winhelp macros, but I didn't see anything that would
help me.
Anybody out there know of a way (without recompiling) to make
text display within a help topic after a certain date?
Thanks in advance,
Lori H. Guillory
lhguillory -at- juno -dot- com

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