A Hot Commodity (Was: Question: DC Contract Market)

Subject: A Hot Commodity (Was: Question: DC Contract Market)
From: "Nina L. Panzica" <panin -at- MINDSPRING -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 09:45:25 -0600

At 11:38 PM 1/12/98 +0000, Joe wrote:

>I don't know about the DC area, but in the New England, contract jobs
>are booming. There are more jobs than applicants. I get 3 or 4 calls a
>week for contract jobs.

Same situation applies to Atlanta, and has for the last five months. A
local writer friend of mine is experiencing the same thing. Perhaps this
is because he, like me, has flooded the market with his resume.

Right now, because of first-of-the-year startup projects, I'm getting about
twice that number of calls each week. I've been so inundated, in fact,
that I'm announcing at our local STC contractors group this week that I'll
be glad to refer local writers on to these contract opportunities, which
otherwise I have to turn down. Everyone with a contract to fill who I've
talked to about this is very eager to get these referrals. It's frustrating
to think that in this time of plenty there are contractors who are unable
to find positions often because they aren't as connected (i.e., don't have
their resume sitting on the desks of every hi-tech temp agency in town).

Nina P.


Nina Panzica
Masterpiece Media
(404) 237-7889
Can't reach me at the above number? Try my pager: 404-596-7889
mailto:panin -at- mindspring -dot- com

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